Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Moonbeam's in!

This is good news as far as I'm concerned. Click the link just below and read about him. Moonbeam knows what's going on in California better than anybody and he's a good Librul as well. He's also a Native Californian and not a carpetbagger like Whitman, Poizner, Reagan, and Schwarzenegger. I set store by that.

Of course, so was Nixon...

Attorney General Jerry Brown will announce his Democratic candidacy for governor this morning, launching what promises to be a hard-fought battle against a well-funded Republican rival.

"Well funded" is an understatement. Whitman will spend $140,000,000 of her own money in this campaign, according to reports.

Brown, 71, will make the announcement at 11 a.m. on his Web site www.jerrybrown.org and has no planned public events today. He's scheduled to speak to the media Wednesday and Thursday.

Brown will be the sole Democratic candidate for governor. In the general election, he'll likely face either Meg Whitman, the billionaire former CEO of the online auction firm eBay, or Steve Poizner, another wealthy former Silicon Valley CEO who officially filed for governor Monday.

California needs a megarich Repug CEO as governor like it needs another itchy asshole. We have enough of those already.

Go read what Jon Corzine has to say about this. Basically, you can tell people who work for you what to do. If they don't, not so much.

Later. Gotta get my bumpersticker toot de sweet!

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