Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Rainbow Stew

Garrison Keillor on unreality:

Unreality remains pretty much the same, and its appeal in politics is as strong as ever. Look at the recent powwow of the conservative choir in Washington. Their goal is to reduce government to where it was in Coolidge's time. They are sticking to this, though their presidents, Reagan and Bush II, only succeeded in enlarging government.

As for their foreign policy, it's the old Flag In Your Face, Nuke The Whales, Talk Loud, Walk Tall, Proud To Be Dumb & Who Gives A Rip Anyway, Republican bravado that's all for domestic consumption and makes perfect sense if you're a shut-in and your TV is locked on Fox News but not if you are ambulatory and able to read English.

Meanwhile, our president, who is more or less forced to live in the real world, has seen his numbers drop alarmingly because unreality is so beautiful to so many people, such as the tea baggers.

To be fair, there's a certain unreality on the left as well that's contributing to his drop in numbers: where are the unicorns and free Bubble-Up and rainbow stew they think he promised o those ages and ages ago?

The conservatives should, in all decency, lie low for a few years. When you've driven the car into the swamp -- up to our eyeballs in debt, fighting two wars in behalf of shaky regimes, trying to keep a lid on Iran, Congress in a frozen stupor -- and then you throw mudballs at the tow-truck driver, you are betting on the electorate having the memory of a guppy.

There's no decency to Repugs. Period.

Just as an aside, I like the tow truck reference. I've been on backcountry retrieves with a couple of our local hookers and if any fool ever gave those guys any shit like throwin' frozen mudballs at 'em, they might as well send for their stuff and live right there because every tow truck driver in radio range will know about it in about one minute and will just be too busy to come help.

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