Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Just because I'll suck a dick ...

Doesn't mean I'm queer.

Poor Ol' Lindsey:

At a South Carolina Tea Party rally, one speaker wanted to know if South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham is gay.

The rally held last week in Greenville included an unidentified speaker saying: "Barney Frank is more honest and brave than you. At least we know about Barney Frank, and nobody is going to hold it over his head. And we got to just … Look, I'm a tolerant person. I don't care about your private life, Lindsey. But as a U.S. senator, I need to try and figure out why you're trying to sell out your own countrymen. And I need to make sure you being gay isn't it."


The teabaggers have thrown him under the bus. I wonder when he'll pull an "Arlen" and try to become a Dem?

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