Tuesday, April 20, 2010

You haff papers?

Good fucking god. And to think, the Mrs. and I were actually debating retiring to Sedona a few years back. Thankfully, we were bitten by Provence. Isn't this still America? Can a state of this Union actually do this without getting federally fucked?

I had a friend who isn't into politics, but would say that Bush's goal was to enact martial law over the country. I told her she was not based in reality. But this new law in Arizona gives the police exactly that type of power -- at least, if you look somewhat "brown."

I know it'll be targeted at Latinos, but I wouldn't doubt that it'll be used on anyone in sight if they happen to have a bug up their ass about you.


This is America, right? This is wrong on so many levels. Even my inner German has a problem with it.

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