Monday, April 19, 2010

Just What DO They Want?

The short answer is "they haven't a fucking clue".

Good post on the teabaggers at News For Real. I'll call it a 'must read'. Note: the link goes to the site, not the post, so if they add anything you'll have to scroll down a little. Other interesting posts as well.

They don't trust government. They don't trust politicians. They don't trust science or scientists. They don't even trust an official birth certificates when they the issuing state provides a photocopy.

You know who I'm talking about. So exactly how do this growing movement, broadly described by the moniker, Tea Party, intend to govern, should they get their way? Like all radical far left or far right populist movements through out history, they don't even trust one another, at least not entirely.

No you'll hear nothing about any of that at a Tea Party rally. But why? In normal times such outrages would be the rocket fuel of a populist movement. Instead the radical right has ceded all those core populist issues to the left, which the right then demonizes as “socialists" for even pointing any of this out.

It kinda makes my head hurt trying to figure out exactly what it is the right wants. And, what kind of country we'd end up with if they ever got what they say they want.

A country I don't want to live in.

A buncha "Ifs?" and then:

If they succeeded in repealing gun laws all they'd get for their trouble are communities in which the full rich panoply of humans are walking around carry the very tool needed to instantly satisfy a temper tantrum. Road rage will go from fender benders and fists, to high-speed shoot outs. And becoming a police officer in such an America would be like becoming police chief of Juarez, Mexico. I'm all for the right to own a gun or several guns. But I find it hard to believe that turning America 2010 into Tombstone, Az, 1840, would be any kind of an improvement.

Which brings me back to my original questions: Do these people actually know what they want? And do any of them wonder why the things they are told they should want are suspiciously similar to what America's corporations and the plutocrats who run them want?

Will it ever dawn on Tea Party folk what's really happening here. That they've allowed themselves to become little more than dancing monkeys at the end of the organ-grinders' chain?

Just put the money in the tin cup. Or on the nightstand, sailor, for you've been royally screwed, blewed, and tattooed and you liked it.

Much more.

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