Monday, April 19, 2010

Oh, the irony...

Ironic Times

Arizona Cracks Down Hard on Illegal Immigrants
Food supplies dwindle, all construction halted.

Don't text and drink and talk and eat while driving.

Tea Party More Diverse Than Once Thought
They're only 98% elderly white right-wing anti-tax cranks.

Only 98%. Whew!

Revealed: Sarah Palin Demands Huge Speaking Fees, Pre-Screened Questions
And no high school graduates in audience.

Study: Health Insurers Invest Heavily in Fast Food Corporations
Did somebody say “claim denied?”

This one's a big help for us old farts:

Self-Administered Test Can Identify Dementia Early On
You're asked to ask yourself a battery of questions, which is a sign of dementia.

Scientists Developing Computer Based on Cat Brain
When completed it will ignore all human commands.

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