Friday, May 21, 2010

Light Blogging Today

Light blogging today. I've run up against a perfect storm, perhaps literally, of Murphy's Law.

A few days ago I bought a new distributor cap, rotor, spark plugs and wires for my Dakota, a little job to be sure, but one that has been bugging me since I changed just the spark plugs 50,000 miles and ten years ago.

The guys down at the local NAPA store, aka "the jewelry store", are my pals but Murphy's Law Of Auto Parts, "when given the choice of clips or screws, sell the distributor cap you have in stock even though it will inevitably be the wrong one", held up and I have to go first thing to get the replacement.

Yesterday was a beautiful day to work on the truck and today it's supposed to snow but the weather window is still open so I have to try to get this job done before that starts.

Later. Go read Morford on oil spill conspiracy theories and nuclear terrorist supernuns.


Mission accomplished. I got the firing order right the first time too! That cut my failure rate on that particular job on Dodges to 50%. Perhaps the mantra I've been chanting nonstop for three days helped - "clockwiseeighteenfortythreesixtyfiveseventytwo".

We will now wait for Fixer and 'Nucks to quit laughing...

The truck runs noticeably better and the only casualties were a petrified PCV Valve hose which I replaced with in-stock heater hose, and one teeny little flap of skin, a willing sacrifice to the mechanical gods. If ya don't bleed on it, it won't work.

See yas.

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