Friday, May 21, 2010

SSI primer ...

A good post by GP on how Social Security actually works and why "fixing it" will end up screwing us like the last "fix" did:


2. You already "fixed" Social Security, in 1983. In that fix, Ronald Reagan and the Greenspan Commission (yep, Alan Greenspan) recommended increasing Social Security taxes on the middle class, but not on the Big Boys, the wealthy. The declared goal was to put tons of cash into the Social Security Trust Fund — create a huge rainy day stash — for when Boomers started retiring. (If you click the Trust Fund link, watch what happens to the last column, the total amount, starting in 1984.)

Why is it important to understand this?
Everyone making less than $100k per year has been paying for that fix — every working day since 1983. They robbed you once, so they wouldn't have to do it twice. Want them to do it twice?


Take a look at how the tax rates on the rich have steadily decreased over the past 30 years.

"Why do you rob banks?"

"Because that's where the money is."

The rich won't be happy until they've bled us all dry and we come to them, begging for crumbs.

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