Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mixed Emotions

Raw Story, links at site.

Ron Paul hopes Hemp History Week will reap more co-sponsors for legalization bill

Groups hope to collect 50,000 signed post cards urging Obama and Holder to put end to industrial hemp ban

As we all know, hemp is one of the most useful agricultural products on the planet and was lumped in with its smokin' dope cousin for the purpose of political oppression. It has never made sense.

"Madam Speaker, I rise to speak about Hemp History Week," Paul said last week on the floor. "To celebrate the American heritage of growing industrial hemp, the Hemp Industries Association, Vote Hemp, several American manufacturers, and allied companies and organizations have declared May 17 to May 23 to be Hemp History Week. Throughout the week, people will recognize America’s legacy of industrial hemp farming and call for reinstating respect for farmers’ basic right to grow industrial hemp."

Paul noted that he introduced his Industrial Hemp Farming Act (HR 1866) [To amend the Controlled Substances Act to exclude industrial hemp from the definition of marihuana, and for other purposes.], "five years ago to end the federal government’s ban on American farmers growing industrial hemp."

The bill currently has 21 cosponsors:

Mostly Dems, but also my totally useless Repug congresscritter and two more California congresscritters even more useless than him. I'm so confused...

The 'mixed emotions'? Paul's not as bad as some of the wingnuts, but having him and three of the worst right wing CA congressmen being for something I'm for is like watching your worst enemy drive off a cliff in your new Cadillac.

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