Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Poll shows Sestak ahead

The Plum Line, links at site;

This, from Rasmussen, might be the first non-tracking poll to find Joe Sestak leading Arlen Specter in the Pennsylvania Democratic primary:

Suppose the Democratic Primary for the 2010 United States Senate were held today. Would you vote for Arlen Specter or Joe Sestak?

Sestak 47 percent

Specter 42

Eight percent are undecided. Over the weekend, Sestak edged ahead in the Muhlenberg College tracking poll -- he now leads in that poll by five -- but many observers were holding out for corroboration from second poll.

We now have that second poll, courtesy of Rasmussen. It's the first public survey that isn't a tracking poll to show Sestak ahead. While it's true that in both polls Sestak's lead approximates the margin of error, making this a dead heat, Rasmussen clearly shows Specter losing support: He's down six points from March, and a far greater number of respondents perceive him as running a negative campaign.

If this trend continues, watch for Specter to go Independent. It's all the rage these days for those who might lose their party primaries.

Specter should have been sent home in disgrace 47 years ago right after he invented the Magic Bullet, instead of being allowed to rise above his level of incompetence to his present position. I firmly believe that was his payoff for thoroughly muddying the waters and getting the Warren Commission off the hook without having to open the can of worms that needed to be opened.

Yes, I hold grudges. It's way past time for him to go.

Besides, we need more blue water sailors in the Senate than stateside Air Force paper pushers.


Joe The Nerd on Specter possibly offering to throw some hands with Sestak;

John Baer of the Philadelphia Daily News was the moderator of the only Sestak/Specter debate held last Saturday night. Here’s a quote from his recap (full link):

“Right after the debate, still at his lectern, Specter snapped at his Senate challenger: "Do you want to continue this?" I heard him say "fisticuffs" and thought there'd be some action. But he then rendered an unceremonious, wave-of-the-hand, tight-jawed dismissal and, boom, he's out the door.”

Some thoughts about this…

1. Specter’s judgment should be called into play to challenge an Annapolis Grad to a fight – Sestak could probably kill him with a pencil.

"Smilin' Joe" probly wouldn't need no steenkin' pencil, just blow real hard.

2. If Specter is getting that angry it means that Sestak is closer than the polls are revealing. He is inside Specter’s head and ripping out the wires. Specter is imploding. You want 6 more years of this?

Me like!

3. This challenge was probably staged. An 80 year-old challenging a 50-something to a fight is a lose-lose for the 50-something. If Sestak takes the bait and beats the crap out of the 80 year-old the public would be outraged at the “elder abuse”. Kudos goes to Sestak for being a warrior who knows when not to fight.

Yeah, yeah, that's right, but fuck it - if a guy chooses ya off and ya kick his ass, it's on him. It'da saved PA from the cost of a primary. Heh.

I'd pay money to see those two hook. A small buttered popcorn would be plenty 'cuz that'd be a short fight.

More at Joe The Nerd. He closes with:

This whole thing should backfire on Specter as a way to get sympathy. It just makes him look pathetic.

He always has been. It's just out in the open now.

Note to Arlen: Time to retire. McCain's got an extra rocking chair and drool bucket.

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