Thursday, June 3, 2010

Be careful what you wish for ...

Me and my big mouth ... (If I had a dime for every time I said that).

When the economy tanked last year, and Barry was talking about the stimulus plan, I would kvetch that there's a "shovel-ready" project in my neighborhood, namely the road I live on. It's been fer shit for years thanks to them replacing the gas lines in the street (they just tossed asphalt over the trenches) and about 10 years of winter (and the heavy-duty snowplows that grind over it) since they paved it correctly, and it looks like the Moon. Been kvetching a long time.

Well, seems, for the first time in memory, somebody in the local government heard and actually listened to me. A few weeks ago they began, not just my street, but the whole approach to the Long Island Expressway that's 3/4 mile up the road. New overpass, cloverleaf, and adding an extra lane each way to the secondary road which feeds it. It'll be 2 years until they're done.

So now I'm not just worrying about the fillings being shaken out of my head (I drive like I'm on the slalom on the B.F. Goodrich Test Track) when I come home but it's a pain in the ass with the increased traffic thanks to constant pattern changes. What a fucking mess.

I know it's been sorely needed for years and I'm glad some Long Islanders are back to work, and I know it's going to be good when it's done, but all I was hoping for was a little asphalt rolled over the top of my road to make it smooth. Ah well, I asked for it ...

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