Wednesday, June 2, 2010

More dysfunction ...

From the New York State Government, second only (sometimes) to them Wes' Coas' folks in Sacramento. Our Rethugs had their primary and one of the guys trying to be the next governor is my county executive (the turncoat democrat). Res Ipsa sums up the jocularity succinctly:


Lazio is the putz who blew an election by trying to physically intimidate Hillary Clinton live on television. Levy is a porn-stache-wearing immigrant-bashing party-switching clown. And Ed Cox is Richard Nixon’s son-in-law.


If Andy Cuomo ain't our next governor, it'll be because he self-destructed in the next 6 months. But this is New York. FDR could be the governor and he'd still have to deal with the useless blobs of biomatter called the New York State Legislature.

By the way, the Putz won.

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