Sunday, June 20, 2010

California Gal Music Blogging

When ya think of 'California girls', sometimes ya gotta forget the blond hair and store-bought chachabingoes of song and legend and pop culture bullshit and just go with talent. This is Kathy Kallick (website) and her band performing in Denmark, I presume. I just got her new CD, "Between the Hollow (pronounced 'holler' - G) and the High Rise" in the mail the other day.

Kathy's been around a while. Check out her discography. I've only been a fan for about 30 years and I'm glad her stuff is showing up more and more on YouTube.

Sometimes I'm appalled by the sound quality on these videos and sometimes I'm amazed at how well the tiny mics on the vidcams work. This is one of those times.

The song is "You Took Me Away" I think.

The Kathy Kallick Band

Thanks to ngifoto, Denmark.

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