Monday, June 21, 2010

I don't know ...

Thanks to a lot of whitewashing and cover-up, we will likely never know the real circumstances of, and leading up to, the terror attack of 11 September 2001. I'd rather not believe that our government would actually sacrifice the lives of 3000 innocent Americans in order to achieve some crazy ideological goal.

That said, via the Existentialist Cowboy's Facebook page, a few items to make you think. After 8 years of Bush/Cheney, and all the illegal crap they've done, it falls into the realm of probability.


9. "President Bush personally asked Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle Tuesday to limit the congressional investigation into the events of September 11..." ..."Tuesday's discussion followed a rare call to Daschle from Vice President Dick Cheney last Friday to make the same request."

10. The Project For a New American Century, which wrote of the need for a "catastrophic and catalyzing event, like a new Pearl Harbor," had members throughout the top of the government on 9/11 including Cheney, Rumsfeld, Perle, Wolfowitz, Feith, Bolton, Armitage, Abrams, Wurmser, as well as Bush's brother, the governor of Florida, Jeb.

11. Four days before 9/11, Jeb Bush activated the Florida National Guard, "Based on the potential massive damage to life and property that may result from an act of terrorism at a Florida port." (Executive Order 01-261).

12. On 9/11 Jeb Bush declared a "State of Emergency" in Florida (E.O. 01-262). "I hereby delegate to the Department of Law Enforcement the operational authority to coordinate and direct the law enforcement resources and other resources of any and all state, regional and local governmental agencies..." And by 2am on 9/12/01, Jeb Bush was reported to have confiscated the police records in Venice, FL related to the Huffman Aviation flight school. Two rental trucks full of these records drove onto a C-130 military aircraft at Sarasota Airport and flew out with Jeb Bush aboard.


It just makes we wonder why none of our elected representatives want to "look back" at anything the previous administration has done.

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