Monday, June 14, 2010

Oh, the irony...

Ironic Times

Month-Long Hooligan Gathering Kicks Off in South Africa
Some soccer fans may also attend.

War in Afghanistan Now Third Longest in U.S. History
Trails only War on Drugs, War on Poverty.

Jockeying for Helen Thomas’s Front-and-Center Seat in White House Press Room
Struggle between subservient toadies and ass-kissing sycophants is fierce.

??? ~ News Quiz - ???

Which of the following “ordinary and necessary” business expenses are fully deductible for corporations in the United States?

A ) image repair PR campaigns
B ) punitive damages paid for violations of law
C ) bribes of public officials

Hint: we no longer use the word “bribe” in polite society.

Trick question. The answer is "All of the above".

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