Monday, June 14, 2010

Once again ...

Money trumps common sense.

Atrios points us to this article about gas mining in Pennsylvania:

Pennsylvanians are only slowly becoming aware that we are under siege. More than a thousand Marcellus Shale drill sites are in the works, with tens of thousands more poised to descend on Penn's Woods, its towns and neighborhoods, threatening to poison water tables, suck streams dry, pollute the air with ear-splitting noise and toxic fumes -- all without meaningful regulation, without meaningful taxation.


I'll say the same thing I said to the folks in the Gulf. You all made money selling the leases and rights to these pirates, you didn't want government involved when it came to regulating the polluting assholes (it's not that they didn't have a track record), yet now you're crying because you can light your tap water on fire.

Now the federal government has to come in and clean up the mess you invited upon yourselves. It just kills me that people who don't want big government, don't want to pay taxes, and generally don't want to be bothered, look to that same government to drop everything and come running. If it didn't effect the rest of us in such a meaningful way, I'd tell you live with it and make "lemonade from lemons". I mean, you can always use your tap water as a substitute for gasoline, right?

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