Thursday, September 23, 2010

Another asshole with a badge

Raw Story

WWII vet’s neck breaking defended: 84-year-olds ‘can kill’ cops, too

A 84-year-old veteran is recovering from surgery to repair damaged vertebrae after an Orlando police officer reportedly flipped him onto his face and broke his neck.

On Saturday, "Police say Daniel J. Daley, 84, of Orlando was transported to Florida Hospital Orlando after he 'struck' an officer and the officer subdued him outside the Ivanhoe Grocery at 1820 North Orange Avenue about 11 p.m," reports the Orlando Sentinel.

Real tough guy, aintcha, copper? We know you're a badass with 84-year-olds, I hope we get the chance to see you up against some 24-year-old Marine just back from Afghanistan, asshole.

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