Friday, September 24, 2010

The Monsters ...

It's Friday, finally, and the pups have kept me laughing all morning. They're adjusting well, though they're both into mischief. Not many casualties over the past week, 2 plants (Chooch knocked over one on a stand and they killed the other playing King of the Hill in the big pot), and a brand new roll of paper towels that Chooch got off the kitchen counter and the two of them proceeded to shred. Don't know if it'll become a Friday habit posting pics of the varmints, but looking at a couple dogs gotta be better than dealing with all the bad news.

Da Chooch (using me for interference) taking her morning nap under my desk, hoping to get away from the crazy puppy for a while. Heh ...

Zivatude! Typical Cattle Dog puppy attitude. "What do you got, dad, and can I attack it?"

Heh ... It's fun around here to say the least.

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