Friday, September 10, 2010

Creepier than you think*

*Title links here.

Lawrence O'Donnell said yesterday that the whole cult leader/Qur'an burning deal is turning into South Park (no cite, but I heard him say it). He's pretty close. I don't watch that show and I'm sick of this one as well.

Headline at BuzzFlash:

After Visit from FBI, Loser "Minister" With Checkered Past Decides to Abandon His 15 Minutes of Infamy and Calls Off Quaran Burning. Did the FBI Make Him an Offer He Couldn't Refuse Like Not Charging Him With Some Past Infractions? Hmmm....

From the link:

The FBI visited Jones at the Dove Center on Thursday, according to Jeffrey Westcott, special agent in charge of the Jacksonville, Florida, bureau. The FBI also visited him a few weeks ago, he said, but would not say what was discussed.

Well, gee, that calls for some speculation...

Could the FBI have reminded him that he's been accused of slavery?

Shane Butcher, who was expelled from the church for disobedience, told the Gainesville Sun he worked for the pastor's TS and Company for up 72 hours a week without pay, and meals were provided from a ''food bank''.

Mr Butcher said punishments for disobedience ranged from cleaning the barnacles off Mr Jones's boat in Tampa, to carrying a life-size wooden cross or writing out all of Psalm 119, the longest chapter in the Bible.

Emma Jones, the pastor's daughter from his first marriage, has described her father's church as a ''cult''.

Could they have mentioned that the FBI is chockablock with forensic accountants who just love revoking tax exempt status from phony religious tax cheats who put the administration's ass in a sling?

Pastor Terry Jones runs a used-furniture business out of the church, buying old furniture from around the state, storing it in the church sanctuary and selling it on eBay. Academy students work full-time packaging the furniture; according to the rulebook, lunch breaks are for testing students on their homework.

The center's tax-exempt status was partially revoked because of the apparently for-profit used furniture business.

Or maybe the G-Men have some nekkid pictures of him and Rushole doing a really 'sloppy joe'?

Conservative blog American Thinker notes that you can't choose your high school classmates either, in response to the "news" that the pastor in Florida threatening to burn a Koran -- presumably at least once -- ate sloppy joes in the same cafeteria with controversial pundit Rush Limbaugh, who is no friend to Muslims or, apparently, cultish book burning fringe figures either.

Now Jones has captured the world’s attention with his book-burning act and finally become “Cape Girardeau’s most prominent export,” at least for this week. He has achieved A-list status, however fleeting. Predictably, Limbaugh responds as though they never walked the same public/socialist school hallways together — calling Jones a “crackpot.” What does it all mean? That Limbaugh has become the envious one, naturally.

A world-class weapons-grade dick gets dick envy over a wannabe! Priceless! But I digress...

Note to Cape Girardeau school board: You better check up on what's goin' on in your classrooms if you're turnin' out yingyangs like those two.

Or maybe it was just that the G-Men kept calling him "Pastor Koresh, oops!" over and over during their interview?

Perhaps there's a light at the end of the tunnel. Hopefully it's the headlight on a train that's about to run over Pastor Fucktard's skinny white ass. Or the headlight on a BATF tank.

South Park? Go ahead and kill Kenny. If it shuts him up, who the fuck cares?


More at YubaNet.

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