Friday, September 10, 2010

Off of Social Security and Medicare ...

And up against the wall. "Want a blindfold, grandpa? Cigarette?"

I know the conservatives want to cut "entitlements" but literally killing off old people seems extreme even for them. But they seem to think that the elderly are being profligate spenders on health care and so they need to "take responsibility" and pay more so they won't use as much. Anyone who's been around old people and their plethora of health issues knows that's tantamount to killing them.


Fuck them old people. They only paid taxes all their lives, worked hard, fought for their country, and tried to raise their kids right.

The conservatives look at the aged they way they look at the military. If you're too sick or can't afford healthcare, just like a soldier who is injured and can't carry a rifle, they don't want to know about you. They want you to go away and die. Heartless cocksuckers.

Running late this morning, had too much fun with our friends from CA last night. See yas later ...

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