Tuesday, September 21, 2010

"The heck with the foo-foo, gimme the hooch!"

I've been spending the morning so far extracting photos and videos from three cameras. We discussed partying a little in 'comments' on this post, and I thought I'd share the tone of Saturday's all-day-and-into-the-evening bash with this short vid.

The driving force (and Force Of Nature!) behind Mrs. G's High School class's seemingly non-stop reunions is Hurricane Edie. More on her later. Her daughter (r) and her niece erected this mini-margaritaville in the early afternoon and served up regular and pomegranate (for the anti-oxidant value, no doubt...heh) margaritas. Let's just say things got a little more interesting thereafter! (Big shit-eatin' grin smiley face.)

When you shoot casual videos, you never know what's going to be on them. I have several, and I haven't watched them all yet. If they all caught priceless stuff like this, one thing's for sure: I'm never going to be invited to one of Mrs. G's class parties again.

On the vid you can hear the strolling musicians that were the afternoon entertainment of the fiesta-themed do. More on them later too.

Cathy eschews the Margaritas and goes for the Gold! Arroyo Grande Class Of '63 "We're Turning 65!" party, 9-18-10


The reunion committee got these guys on pretty short notice after they found out what a 7 or more piece Mariachi costs (a lot!). They squeezed us in on their way to another gig where they would no doubt stroll amongst diners and threaten to play unless the diners paid 'em off. Then they had to sneak the uniforms back into the hospital... They were extremely good-natured gents, and I have nicknamed them "Tres Bozos".

I panned over to try and catch Diane and Maxine line dancing, but they had quit. Margaritas needed freshening up, no doubt.

Mariachi trio "Tres Amigos" of Santa Maria play a traditional song at the Arroyo Grande HS Class Of '63 "We're Turning 65!" party on 9-18-10.

I'll put some more up Below The Fold in the next day or so. I got things to do. Lordy, do I...

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