Tuesday, September 21, 2010

"Drinking with John McCain" ...

Closet queen Lindsey Graham is trying to show he's got testosterone:

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) must be feeling the need to show what a staunch, hard-ass Republican he is. Abandoning his usual pretense of being a moderate, he's advocating that the US goverment must prepare for war against Iran, and not just a few air attacks, but to cause regime change. Maybe he's been drinking with Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) a little too much...

You know, I got more respect for the tebaggers than I do for Graham. At least, at the ground level, the average teabagger believes what he's yelling about (he might be completely misinformed and in complete denial, but he still believes it). Graham is just a pandering fuck.

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