Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Heh ...

Tintin takes a look at the Right's support of Christine "The Crazy" O'Donnell:

Robert Stacy McCain leads off the pack with a straightforward approach of someone who is so unattractive that the thought of having sex with himself elicits only a wave of self-loathing and a limp wiener. He, of course, heartily endorses the idea that masturbation is wrong and accuses that lesbo-Maddow of having an unhealthy obsession with the practice:


These clowns know they got themselves a certified loony and they're trying to polish that turd up before Election Day. Electing George Bush 10 years ago opened the floodgates for every idiot with the lust for 'public service'. You'd think they woulda learned from the Chimp himself and put people in who sound the least bit articulate and don't have "Space For Rent" signs hanging behind their eyes.

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