Friday, September 24, 2010

On the way to the post office

Yesterday I took the scenic route to the post office, which is usually a mile from my house. A little 25-mile detour to get some footage for music videos. A bike ride in the mountains on a sunny autumn afternoon is damn dirty work, I tells ya, but someone's gotta do it. You'll be seeing some of it in dribs and drabs over time. Here's a short vid from my turn-around point. Fullscreen it for max blurry.

Martis Peak Lookout is a fire lookout in the Tahoe National Forest a little southeast of Truckee CA. Elevation is about 8650'.

Sorry I didn't have more time to spend there.

I was a little dazzled that they paved the road to it. It's been longer since I've been up there than I would have thought. The CalFire man there said they did it nine years ago. Tempus fugits!

Also, Mt. Lassen is 114 miles away, not 150 like I said in the video.

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