Thursday, September 9, 2010


I fuckin' love this!

US Marines Thursday rescued a German-owned ship seized by pirates in the Gulf of Aden off Somalia after hijackers vainly sought the crew which hid in a secret compartment, the US military and the shipping firm said.

The pirates spent nearly 20 hours searching for the crew and even phoned the shipping company in Germany to ask where they were hidden, a spokesman for the firm said.

"The crew had closed down the engines and locked themselves away in a safe room which the pirates were unable to find," he said.

After searching the ship for three hours the pirates picked up the phone and called the shipping company asking about the crew's whereabouts, the spokesman said.

"They were told the crew was on holiday," he said.

"They then asked how to switch the engines back on, but were told they were broken," he added.

Priceless! Usually it's just Marines that fall for shit like that. I'm surprised the home office crew didn't ask the pirates for a credit card number to pay for their passage! Hey, the Marines'da coughed it up...

The rescue operation was launched from the USS Dubuque after a Turkish frigate -- part of a multinational force -- responded to a distress signal from the Magellan Star which was sailing from Bilbao in Spain to Singapore.

Dubuque (LPD-8) is a Landing Platform, Dock gator navy amphibious landing troopship that carries 900 Marines. She is home-ported in San Diego.

The Marines are with the 15th MEF or MEU. I am not sure of the difference between an MEF and an MEU, and the unit in this incident is being reported both ways, but these appear to be 1st Marine Division troops out of Camp Pendleton CA. I am unable to determine the exact unit these Marines are with at this time. Marines like to know that shit. Coulda been the Mess Kit Repair Platoon for all I know.

Doesn't matter. The Somalis wised up when they saw a platoon of 'em coming and opted for their own lives. They'll no doubt get a trip to New York, have their case thrown out, and get a bus ticket (or 1st class air fare) home where they'll receive a hero's welcome. They oughta wash up on the Somalia beach with aces of spades pinned to their foreheads with a 5.56 round, but that's just me.

Good on yer, Jarheads. You make this old Marine proud.

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