Wednesday, January 19, 2011

How it works (revisited) ...

Rule #16 from the post I linked to yesterday:


Rule #16: You might call this the "Both Sides Now" tactic: If the behavior of some right-winger is undeniably bad such that it can't be explained away, airily dismiss it with "both sides do it." Freely employ false equivalencies such as equating people wearing anti-war t-shirts to a Bush rally with people carrying assault rifles to Obama appearances.


Athenae, today, on professional idiot Mark Halperin's false equivalency:


Liberals on the Internet, most of whom are just that guy who types stuff occasionally onto a message board, and talk radio conservatives who have billion-dollar businesses and books to their names and tables at wherever they want and invites onto talk shows and profiles in the New York Times about how they're "controversial" and cover stories in Time about how maybe they're just kidding with the genocidal rhetoric. Those are totally equivalent groups. Absolutely. Why, I deplore them completely equally.


Hey, Gord, ya think the NYT would give us a column to spread our hate speech*? Yeah, me neither.

*I think the only person we've wanted to see leave their mortal(?) coil ahead of God's plan would be Dick Cheney (and several Wall St. executives). I don't think anybody has a problem with that, being that we still can't prove Cheney is human.

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