Wednesday, January 19, 2011

More right-wing terrorism ...

Nah, can't tie these folks to the Right:


A backpack bomb with the potential of killing or injuring dozens of people was found Monday along the route of a Martin Luther King Day "unity march" in downtown Spokane, Wash., authorities said today.

"It was a device that clearly was intended to harm or kill people," said Frank Harrill, a senior FBI agent and spokesman for the bureau’s Inland Northwest Joint Terrorism Task Force.


Yeah, some crazy pot-smoking Lefty placed a bomb at an MLK parade.


Montag(in toto):

I imagine any moment Rush the Talking Pig will be telling us that it was planted by a liberal socialist Negro to stimulate affirmative action programs that support slave reparations because who else would plant a bomb on the route of a parade celebrating the leader of the American Civil Rights struggle?

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