Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Dear Mr. Obama,

Where are you?


You have so much more. You have the power to overwhelm the voices calling for their defeat. You have the power to drown out the petty and the small and the divisive and the nasty among their critics, and raise that glorious oratory of yours in a cause in which you say you believe. For you, this is no effort. For you, this has no cost. Yet if you were to walk into the Capitol tomorrow you would be greeted as a hero by the heroes all around you, and they would be lifted up, and you can do that and it will cost you nothing. Nothing.

I have no confidence you'll listen, because I do get it, you know. The political calculation. The upside and downside and the electoral math.


Like I've said for a couple years now. Obama has no clue about leadership.

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