Wednesday, February 23, 2011

I probably ...

Shouldn't even touch this but it pisses me off:


It is not clear why the pirates killed their hostages, either accidentally during a firefight or possibly out of revenge for the Somali pirates killed by American sharpshooters in a hostage-taking in 2009.

United States naval forces had been shadowing the hijacked yacht, called the Quest, and as soon as they saw a burst of gunfire on board, American Special Operations forces rushed to the yacht in assault craft, shot one of the pirates and knifed another. But all four hostages were already dead or fatally wounded.


I don't see where US (any) assets should even have been used to try and save these idiots who decided to do everything wrong while fully aware of the dangers.


Still, in a decision that troubled friends and family members, the Quest had departed from a convoy of yachts that was assembled to ward off attacks by pirates in those waters — such maritime convoys are known as rallies — to go off on their own into some of the most dangerous waters in the world.

Mr. Adam took a security course last year from Blue Water Rallies, the organizer of the rally he had been on, and friends said he often turned off his G.P.S. instrument because pirates had learned to use them as homing devices.


Personally, like I say to everybody who depends on god to run their lives (and decide they know better than everybody else) and then look to somebody else to get them out of their stupid shit, "let God save 'em".


Indeed, for the Adams, this was as much a voyage of faith as it was one of adventure. They would load the Quest up with tons of Bibles and distribute them as they traveled the world.

“They would stop in these small islands and connect with the church there, which were in isolated places and really welcomed them,” said Richard Peace, a professor of ministry at Fuller Theological Seminary. “Scott would preach at times for them and being a doctoral student, he would teach in Bible colleges. This was really a major part of their travels.”


Maybe god was trying to tell you something? And, par for the course, the news media is wringing it for all it's worth.

Know what? The pirate task force watches their bases, know when they have a bowel movement. How about expending some ordnance to deal with the problem once and for all instead of putting boarding parties in danger to save a bunch of misguided Jesus freaks who basically asked for their own end?

We're paying, indirectly, for all these shipping companies paying millions of dollars in ransom and keeping the Navy on escort duty (the bright side is it's a joint task force so other countries are paying for their own shit). Let's end the problem; you know, let the Jarheads do the job they were created for instead of killing goat fuckers in Afghanistan.

Thanks to Montag for the link.

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