Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Hypocrisy, Thy Name Is Repug

Think Progress

Rep. Posey Can’t Say If He Takes Govt. Health Care Because He Doesn’t ‘Know’ If He’s ‘A Federal Employee’

Probably gets direct deposit and has never seen the "Treasury of the United States" in big letters on a paper check. Dick.

However, none of these excuses can compare to the one given by Rep. Bill Posey (R-FL) (Figures. Yeesh. - G). ThinkProgress recently spoke with Posey, who gained notoriety in 2009 for sponsoring the original “birther bill” in Congress. We asked the congressmen if he plans to turn down government-subsidized health insurance for himself in light of his push to repeal health care reform. His response: “I don’t know. Am I a federal employee?” Watch it:

Watch it if you can stomach another lying hypocritical fucking Repug.

ThinkProgress followed up with Rep. Posey’s press secretary George Cecala. Mr. Cecala confirmed for us that Congressman Posey is, indeed, a federal employee. In addition, despite Posey’s attempts to evade the question, Mr. Cecala told us that the Florida Republican does accept government-subsidized and managed health care and has done so for his entire congressional career. When asked how the congressman would respond to the hypocrisy angle, Mr. Cecala told us “you can’t just single out members of Congress and then just ignore other federal employees who receive the same benefits.”

Sure we can. The 'other federal employees' aren't taking our money and subsidized health care with one hand and trying to deny the same benefits to everybody else with the other.

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