Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Ya think?

Raw Story

In what will likely be seen as something of a Freudian slip by the US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton said recently in a Mexican news interview that the United States cannot legalize drugs as a means of fighting the black market because "there is just too much money in it."

The comments drew criticism from legalization advocates who argued her position was a misunderstanding of the situation.

Clinton evidently does not understand that there is so much money to be made by selling illegal drugs precisely because they are illegal. [...]

"I can't help but wonder what everyone on the left would say if this preposterous analysis came from Sarah Palin, rather than Hillary Clinton. [...]"

Oh, if only...

I love ya, Hil, but ya done stepped on it this time.

The real reason drugs can't be legalized is, of course, that too much money - our money - flows into federal, state, and local pockets in The War On Some People Who Use Drugs, and that politicians of all stripes benefit greatly from the Prison Industrial Complex.

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