Saturday, March 19, 2011

Go Frogs!

Raw Story

French President Nicolas Sarkozy spoke to the press from Paris just before 11 a.m. EST. He confirmed that there would be U.N.-mandated military action to implement a no-fly zone over Libya in response to the violence and broken cease-fire in the country.

French state officials have confirmed the presence of French fighter jets flying over Libya, and Sarkozy said it is "our duty to respond to [the Libyan peoples'] anguished the name of the universal conscience."

French fighter jets? In actual action?! Must be a Mirage*...

*Sorry, I couldn't resist...

Qaddafi is apparently not amused:

“This is injustice, it is clear aggression, and it is uncalculated risk for its consequences on the Mediterranean and Europe.

You will regret it if you take a step toward intervening in our internal affairs.”

Uncalculated risk for its consequences on the Mediterranean and Europe? I'll chance it!

Go Frogs!

Note to Mooamar: See that AWACS up there? That's ours. Don't fuck with it or we'll show you 'uncalculated risk' you won't fucking believe. Live with what the French do to you. Better yet, knock off the cheap shit altogether and go live near your money.

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