Sunday, March 20, 2011

Two Ghouls

William Rivers Pitt on comments made by two well-known scumbags in the wake of the disaster in Japan.

These are two fairly nauseating examples of some of the reactions to what happened in Japan, but these pale in comparison to the reactions from a pair of soulless cretins we know all too well. Try to contain your shock, but yes, Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh went out of their way to peg the needle on the Ghoul-o-Meter in the aftermath of the Japan calamity.

So yeah, Beck is not saying that God struck Japan because you're a bad person doing bad things and because he has stuff on radical Islam...but he's not not saying it, either.

Got it?

Me neither.

Fuck Miss Becky. I'm sure someone, somewhere, is blaming it on gay pride parades in Orlando or something. Run-of-the-mill assholery. On to an even worse douchebag.

The theme of a vengeful Gaia is suddenly all the rage for the scumbag wing of the Radio Right, as evidenced by Rush Limbaugh's gleeful reaction - literally: gleeful - to the catastrophe in Japan. The March 15th edition of his radio show featured a caller who joked about nature taking a hard shot at Japan despite that nation's excellent recycling policies. Vomitous hilarity ensued:


'Caller' my ass. Probably on Limpdick's payroll, fully scripted to make his moron audience drool in ... well, drool more than usual. Go read it if you want to.

It is worthwhile to note that, for reasons passing understanding, Rush Limbaugh is still prominently featured on American Armed Forces radio. Currently, there are scores of American service members in Japan assisting with the search for the lost and the injured. They are witnessing firsthand the reality of this disaster. One wonders if those men and women find it all as funny as Rush does.

Do me a favor, gentle reader.

Step outside. Look all around you at your familiar surroundings, your home, your car, your place of business, your garden, your family, your pets, your neighbors, your friends, your life.

Now close your eyes and imagine all of it gone, just gone, reduced to matchsticks and blood.

Now make a joke. Blame it all on people you don't like.

Yeah, I didn't think you could.

You're a human being, not a ghoul.

Somebody needs to deck that sonofabitch. Just one punch. Make his nose look like a run-over cantaloupe and give the bastard an ear-to-ear raccoon shiner so everybody'll ask him what happened and he can say a human being, maybe even a pussy Liberal, kicked his useless fat ass.

I couldn't do it, but I'd sure like to. I couldn't do it because it'd feel too good to stop after just one.

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