Thursday, March 24, 2011

The GOP's Libya dilemma

Doyle McManus

How do Republicans support the bombing without supporting President Obama?

Republican presidential hopefuls have been scrambling to figure out the right vocabulary for denouncing President Obama's decision to launch U.S. planes and ships into action against Libya's Moammar Kadafi.

Because Obama made the decision, they know they're against it. But it took most of them a day or two to settle on exactly why, in part because so many of them had called for intervention before Obama pulled the trigger.

Please read the rest.

The Repugs' Job One is to make sure somehow - by any means necessary, whatever it takes - that Obama fails. Period. If Libya, the economy, civil rights, the middle class, the Constitution, you name it, is ripped asunder in the process, it's acceptable collateral damage to them as long as they gain the power to take from the little guy and give the proceeds to their Masters.

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