Friday, March 25, 2011

One more dumb snow video

Not much goin' on the last few days but do the best I can for Mrs. G and her new see-through eyeball, move snow around, and anything I can to ward off a little touch of cabin fever.

The time stamp on the vid is wrong. It was actually about 1 PM. Musta changed when I dumped the vidcam's memory so it'd work again. It's OK now.

I called my friend Bentley, who is a Celtic musician who pays for his habit by being a roofing contractor, to find out if he knew anybody who can shovel the snow off my roof. Strange things are starting to happen in the house and I think I'm creeping up fast on my snow load. I have no desire to go up there and Mrs. G doesn't want me to. I called the right guy. He said he just by chance has a crew standing by seeing as how the car wash is closed for a few days and all he's been doing for the last month is shovelling off roofs anyway. He said he wouldn't ask anyone to do that in this weather and he'd bring 'em over as soon as we get a break in the storms. I was off the phone before the line came to me, "...unless they're Repuglicans".

Just so you'll know, I've only had to shovel my roof twice in thirty years and I'm gettin' too old for that shit. This has been an above-average snow year, a real old-time Truckee winter.

I edited this down and spared you, among other things, five minutes of my man cave that bears dare not enter office upside down after I missed the 'off' button and set the glassescam on the desk upside down. Heh.

Enjoy the video. I can hear you folks in Florida laughing...

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