Friday, March 25, 2011

Hey, it worked to start WWII in Europe...

...and the Chimp considered doing it to start his war in Iraq, so it figures some wingnut would drag it out for their war on the middle class.

Indiana prosecutor told Wisconsin governor to stage ‘false flag’ operation

An Indiana prosecutor and Republican activist has resigned after emails show he suggested Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker stage a fake attack on himself to discredit unions protesting his budget repair bill.

"If you could employ an associate who pretends to be sympathetic to the unions' cause to physically attack you (or even use a firearm against you), you could discredit the unions," Lam said in his email.

An associate? A registered Repug lobbyist? Someone on his own staff? Hopefully the clown would be a terrible shot and ding him right between the runnin' lights by mistake. Heh.


Similar story at TPM. Great comments!

But what does it mean to *read* something really? Maybe for elite coastal liberals reading actually involves looking at the words on the screen or page. However, in Real America (tm) it is sufficient to merely be aware of the existence of email to know that it is in support of your position.

Walker really needs to come clean on which false flag operations were considered and which weren't.

I like that, but I think his actions and disingenuous rhetoric (aka "lies") are proof enough.

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