Friday, March 25, 2011

Your State Sucks Because Your Governor and Legislators Are Dicks

El Rude-o

Yes, even with the eternal dickishness of Republican legislative behavior when it comes to abortion, which is their favoritest issue, even with the totally dickish campaign to strip public workers of collective bargaining rights, GOP governors and their lackey co-conspirators in the legislatures have found new and exciting and unusual ways to be complete wads of dick. We're talking here about spending time on shit that's absolutely worthless except as a way of announcing, "Holy Christ, we're a bunch of dicks."

Several examples of how legislatures have found new and exciting and unusual ways to be complete wads of dick.

Over in Ohio, which is in competition right now for America's dickiest state, the Senate there just voted to ban mention of federal stimulus funds on signs that mark construction done with federal stimulus funds. And that's fine and dandy: the Obama administration does not require such labeling of how your tax dollars are being spent to improve your roads and bridges. Of course, they also voted to allow advertising on state road signs. Classy all around.

[...] The Republican reasoning behind the elimination of the stimulus signs was that they were merely an advertisement for the successes of the Democrats. That was just too above-board a way to show job creation. It's much easier (and way more dickish) to bribe your rich friends under the table.

The fun part? You elected these dickheads, good citizens of these states, and now you've got huge buyer regret. Here's a tip: don't elect teabaggers or Fox "news" commentators.

The 'baggers say they want less government intrusion into your life and freedom, but in actual fact they're perfectly willing to use all the government intrusion that's necessary to make sure you get the 'freedom' to do things their way. Or else.

In my experience, "or else" are the last two words a bully says before his nose goes 'splat'. These governors need massive shiners to show that godless commie liberal pussies and just plain Americans can throw a helluva punch when they get tired of being pushed around.

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