Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Titled at last...

The idiotic and criminal way "Project Gunrunner" has been totally mishandled has turned into my pet peeve of the moment. Backstory here (via Liquida - it's amazing what ya find when ya google Brain posts to find them)).


Feds Indict Mayor, Police Chief Of Border Town As ATF 'Gunrunner' Program Faces Heat

Much more and you should read and here's the 'heat':

The Obama administration has been so nervous about Project Gunrunner that in 2009, they ordered the ATF to clear all media requests directly by the Justice Department, according to internal e-mails obtained by TPM through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. A number of e-mails remind staffers that "DOJ Office of Public Affairs wants to review and approve all national/international media requests on southwest border-related issues before interviews are conducted."

Not "knock off the cheap shit and start keeping those guns from getting across the border or I'll tear ya a new asshole", but "don't talk to anybody about this clusterfuck until ya clear it with the home office". Hey, dudes, the coverup's worse than the crime, remember? In this case it's not but it's still bad.

If I was in charge of this, and the perpetrators better be damn glad I'm not, I'd have whichever ATF brain surgeon came up with this idiocy go down to Mexico and personally retrieve each and every firearm he let 'walk'. There are approximately 2500 of them. I betcha after 3 or 4 hundred brain surgeons come back in tiny little boxes the border would magically seal up.

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