Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Saved By Sharia


The diplomatic standoff over CIA contractor Raymond Davis ended on Wednesday, after a Pakistani court acquitted and released Davis, who had been held for almost 2 months after shooting two men dead on the streets of Lahore. But the resolution came only after a deal was reached to pay the victims' families what the Punjab Law Minister called "blood money" -- in accordance with Islamic law.

In other words, Davis may have been bailed out by sharia.

As we know, there are a buncha right-wing yahoos proposing legislation to ban Islamic sharia law in this country, not that there's a chance in hell of it but it plays well to the tiny-brained. As soon as they find out that all you have to do to be acquitted of a crime even as serious as murder, i.e. declared as pure as the driven snow simply by paying off the victims, they'll change their tune.

The American Taliban will be on this like stink on shit (carefully chosen words). Oh, they'll change sharia's name to something like "God's Good White Christian Law" and call it The American Way. It's tailor-made for Repugs.

Or maybe they'll cut to the chase and make it a crime to be one of their victims or complain about their treatment of people. That's probably more like it.

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