Sunday, March 20, 2011

Somebody besides us...

...went first so it's OK if we jump in, I guess the thinking goes. I hope so.


In a briefing Saturday afternoon, Vice Adm. William Gortney told reporters that about 110 Tomahawk missiles, fired from American warships and submarines and one British submarine struck 20 air-defense targets around Tripoli, the capital, and the western city of Misurata. He said the strikes were against longer-range air defense missiles as well as early warning radar sites and main command-and-control communication centers.


Gortley said the assault was supported by Western and Arab nations, while declining to name all involved. [...]

Not very reassuring. I guess he's expecting some of them to cancel. Like the Arab nations that say they're on the side of the people but don't want their people to get any ideas.

I hope Mooamar caves in quick and this can be over with.

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