Friday, March 4, 2011

Southern Conservatives Reveal Their True "Family Values"

Legal Schnauzer

Perhaps nothing delights progressives quite like having a conservative Republican proven to be a fraud on "values" issues. It's particularly delightful when a conservative is outed in the deep-red South.

Two such outings have happened in recent days, and I'm so broken up about it that I can't wipe the smile off my face.

The Schnauz goes on to describe these instances, stuff I've never even heard of in fifty years of hangin' out with bikers and dopers and other degenerates like Libruls and mechanics. Jackin' off near a park where kids hang out, fer chrissake!

Conservatives always have a ready excuse when they get caught with their pants down--or unzipped, as the case might be:

(Lamest excuse I ever heard, and I've heard a few! - G)

Probably didn't want to use the restroom because there might be perverts in there.

So you may well ask, "Whaddya bother with this shit for? It's a well-known fact that all Repugs are hypocritical perverts."

The answer lies deep in Schnauz's post:

It's too much fun to pile on when the opportunity arises.

Fuckin' A! Er, I mean, Amen, Brethren!

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