Friday, March 4, 2011

White House Home Brew!

From Obama Foodorama:

Brewed with one pound of honey from this year's 160-pound harvest from the White House Bee Hive, the Ale was made by an unnamed White House chef who is a home-brewing enthusiast. The President, First Lady, and their guests sampled the special suds for the first time this evening. The label on the bottle reads "Brewed With White House Honey."

To go with the Ale, the Obamas served a menu that highlighted regional favorites from both Packer and Steeler countries--er, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania:

Menu follows. Shorter: lemme at it and screw the heart attack!

Enjoy the post, but here's my point:

Untaxed booze in the White House! Obama is a great American!

I know it's legal to make beer, ale, and wine at home. It's the, er, spirit of the thing.

Thanks to fkazz, Japan.

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