Friday, April 22, 2011

"...a demented slapstick comedy starring The Donald as The Donald in "The Donald." "

An enjoyable read by William Rivers Pitt who survived both the Yuengling and Western Pennsylvania to bring us this.

Stick your nose into the air and smell the panic emanating from RNC headquarters. It is bad enough that they have to contend with potential presidential runs by the likes of Michele Bachmann, Sarah Palin and Newt Gingrich. Now they're staring down the barrel of a full-fledged freak storm, a demented slapstick comedy starring The Donald as The Donald in "The Donald." I feel a deep and overwhelming compulsion to go to church every day this week, light a candle each time, and pray until I'm sweating blood that this actually happens.

Seriously. Oh please oh please oh please oh please oh please let this happen. It is already wildly entertaining today, and can only get better if Trump actually jumps into the race. He has gone over the high side* (my em) at top volume regarding the "birther" issue, which has pleased the berserk GOP base to such a degree that he is blowing away the entire potential Republican presidential field, and now leads the pack by as much as nine points in the latest poll.

*A rare and heartwarming reference to the absolute worst way to get off a motorcycle at speed that doesn't involve a brick wall, a cliff, or a Buick Pahk Avenoo!

So what gives here? Did Trump just turn on a dime, scrap all of his former positions, and embrace the Tea Party platform because he believes in it? Is he cynically using those positions to elbow his way into the conversation because he knows GOP primary voters are made mostly of the far-right base?

I have my own theory, out there though it may be. He could believe in all that stuff, or he could be using those issues to position himself, but there is a third possibility. Trump could be pulling the biggest prank in the history of American politics. If he still believes in single-payer health care and higher taxes for the rich, he could be playing the GOP for fools with a fake run that is already scrambling the RNC's eggs.

Could it be that Trump is the greatest political mole/troll we've ever seen?

I report, you decide.

I have embraced the "deep plant Democrat" theory myself. It's probably not so, but it would be the best punk job in recent political history if it were.

I'll wait for the report and then decide. Please God, let it be so! Heh.


Olbermann to Trump: ‘Don, FOK off!’

With a shit-eatin' grin, I must add.

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