Friday, April 22, 2011

WI Recount

The BRAD BLOG is on the case in the highly questionable "Oh gee, I found some more ballots for our side" debacle in the Wisconsin Supreme Court election.

Details included in Kloppenburg's request for a special investigator in Waukesha --- including the curious point that Prosser "was observed entering the Governor's Office late in the evening and attending a private, one-on-one meeting with Governor Scott Walker" on the night following the election, on the very same day in which the controversial new GOP Governor publicly stated that there might be "ballots somewhere, somehow found out of the blue that weren't counted before." --- are certainly compelling.

Compelling indeed. They knew exactly which operative in a position of power was likely to 'find' them too. And willing to risk a jail sentence for it as well.

Two points of note in response to the video above.

2) The point made in the video about trusting the G.A.B. or anybody else. As we have pointed out over and over, for years on this blog, elections are not about trust. They are about oversight by the citizenry. If the citizenry can't see it for themselves, there is no reason to trust it. Kennedy seems like quite a decent fellow, as witnessed by his willingness to chat on the street about these matters with a citizen. But nothing here is about trust. It's about checks, balances, and oversight, as we recently emphasized with some passion in this video on the Wisconsin mess.

Kudos to the two folks at Defending Wisconsin for their good citizen watchdogging and video taping! We could use a million more like 'em on the ground in WI and in every other state!

No shit. Ten million.

Much, much more, links and video. and this:

But it looks like Fox "News" doesn't, and have apparently already decided the outcome, as reported on their website in their usual "fair and balanced" manner...

Failed Democrat Requests Recount In Wisconsin

P.S. Kloppenburg is not a Democrat. She's an independent. Not that facts 'n' stuff matter that much over at Fox "News", of course.

Actually, facts do matter at FoxProp. They are to be spun or ignored to the Repugs' advantage.

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