Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Garden update ...

By 1130 yesterday, I was ready to jump on the train to the city and beat the shit out of the lyin' weatherman but the sun finally did come out and it turned into a beautiful afternoon. Me and the girls were out as soon as I saw the first break in the clouds (seems all my neighbors had the same idea because no sooner did we get outside than every other dog in the neighborhood went out too; the Canine Chorus was in full voice yesterday afternoon).

I got the perimeter beds cultivated and added about 800lbs of topsoil (organic stuff I get from a local Long Island company for $1.35/50lb bag) to the compost (I got my own that my mom started when I was a baby and we perpetuate; good soil) I put down last week.

I also added 4 more of the Sweet Flag grass next to the steps coming up from the house (pay no attention to the delinquents in the background; heh ...).

Click pics to 'fertilize'.

Glad I got the time (and the girls got the time) outside yesterday as we're having thunderstorms and rain until tomorrow night. They'll be stir crazy by Thursday (when the weatherman says the sun will come out again) but at least they're tired* today.

I still have to find flagstones for the walk but that'll have to wait until we get back from Europe. I'll be around the house today, playing Chinese Laundry making sure everything we plan to take with us is clean (you know, being aboard a British-flagged ship - Queen Elizabeth - during the Royal Wedding, there'll be some sort of gala the Mrs. - and my buddy Terry's Mrs. - will make us go to**). Hopefully, the Mrs. will be home from Jersey early enough to play crash test dummy occupy the Dingo Sisters so I can watch the Chelsea v. Manchester United match this afternoon in peace. Heh ...

*A tired Cattle Dog is a good Cattle Dog.
**Me and Terry would much rather sit in the bar, watch football, and swap war stories.

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