Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Digby wonders why we don't seem to care about what's going on in Japan anymore:


It's hard for me to believe that the whole world isn't riveted on this story --- and maybe everyone but Americans are. This ongoing epic disaster is unfolding right before our eyes and yet we look away. Is it too much for us? Or are we just so self-absorbed that unless it affects us personally we lose interest?


Two reasons, my dear Digby.

1) Americans, collectively, have the attention span of a gnat. If shit ain't on fire, blowing up, or have military weaponry being brandished about, we lose interest quickly. A radiation disaster doesn't lend itself to the cable news cycle.

B) The Japanese are "Little Yellow Bastids". Of course Americans do nuclear better; we're Americans and that could never happen here.

These two statements also explain why we can turn our backs on places like Africa and why we intervene in places like Libya and Iraq. Ain't nobody here cares about any "Little ________* Bastids" unless they got something we need.

*Insert color of your choice.

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