Saturday, April 30, 2011

Top 10 Birther Jokes

1. "These people could have personally witnessed Obama being born out of an apple pie, in the middle of a Kansas wheat field, while Toby Keith sang the National Anthem – and they’d still think he was a Kenyan Muslim." –Jimmy Kimmel

2. "It's important that we, the few, the proud, the reality-based, attack this stuff before it has a chance to fester and spread. This is not a case of Democrats versus Republicans. It's sentient beings versus the lizard people." –Bill Maher, on birtherism

8. "The state of Hawaii passed a new law allowing the state government to ignore requests for President Obama's birth certificate from the 'Birthers.' From now on, every future president should be required to be born on camera and in front of a national landmark." –Jimmy Kimmel

Fuckwads'd still think it was a socialist/communist/Muslim/Kenyan/whatever plot if the guy wasn't a whiter shade of pale.

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