Saturday, April 30, 2011

Udderly Shocking*

*You just knew somebody couldn't resist that! Wasn't me. This time.

The Lookout

A man dressed in a cow suit managed to rob a busy Stafford, Virginia Walmart of 26 gallons of milk on Tuesday night before being nabbed by the cops.

The local news story on the crime, by David Pierce at, is an absolute must read. Apparently, the cow-suited criminal escaped the megastore by crawling out the doors, "trying to emulate cattle." He then began handing out the stolen jugs right outside the store before making his escape, in a sort of bovine interpretation of Robin Hood.

Rumor has it** that Wall St. is looking for this guy. He likes to swipe stuff and give it away. They heard we had some money left so they want to re-educate him a little about priorities and run him for national office.

** "Rumor has it" = "I made it up myself"

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