Monday, May 23, 2011

"Confidence" ...

Remember when everybody was saying we had to kiss the banksters collective ass because without them the economy would descend into ruin, even though their shenanigans caused the meltdown to begin with?

Well, they're gaming the system again, making easy money while screwing the people from whom they make their money:

Whether or not you buy into the high values of social media, you probably noticed the stunning LinkedIn IPO last week. It opened at an expensive value and doubled. Now, many are asking questions about whether this was Wall Street's latest ripoff.


The government can regulate everything the average American does, from smoking, to the breed of dog you can have, to what your kids learn in school, to how fast you can drive, to when the bars close at night, but heaven forbid we regulate the financial industry. Far be it for them to have a set of rules requiring ethical conduct and severe penalties for ignoring them.

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