Monday, May 23, 2011

Hey, it worked for Bush ...

So why not The Neutered One:

I love Newt Gingrich's campaign strategy of demanding that the media only hold him accountable for how great he is *right now*. Ignore all those ethical issues in his past tenure as Speaker of the House, he's *now* the only one with leadership skills. Ignore all those infidelities in the past, he loves his wife *now*. Ignore what he said last week about Paul Ryan's budget, he thinks it's the best thing for America *now*. Likewise, *right now* Newt knows exactly how to get us out of the economic crisis we're in because he's debt-free and frugal, just ignore the fact that his own financial dealings have been less than cut and dried.


Just like nobody was allowed to ask George W. Bush about his military record, or about his record as a "CEO", or anything that would have lost anyone else their party's primary, let alone the presidential election, the Neut wants us to play by Chimp Rules. Fortunately for us, his hypocrisy is so blatant, even the propagandists at Fox 'News' can't ignore it.

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